Adelphi Wallpaper
I first fell in love with Adelphi wallpaper after seeing it in a Nashville foyer designed by Brocksmidt & Coleman in Elle Decor. Using the same hand-printed methods and materials employed circa from 1720 to 1860, Adelphi Paper Hangings is an artisan producer of historically accurate block printed wallpapers. I love the idea of being able to cover the walls of an old house in a wallpaper that would have actually been there two hundred years ago. In the foyer below, Brockshmidt & Coleman do a wonderful job of making this particular historical paper feel up-to-date by recoloring the pattern in a fresh custom color scheme, hanging a contemporary photograph on the wall, and covering an antique settee in a cheerful shade of persimmon. We continue to be inspired by designers who are able to make old houses feel both historically accurate and modern at the same time. Below, the walls are covered in Adelphi’s Philadelphia Harlequin, American (Philadelphia) circa 1807.
Adelphi works with original documents to replicate both an entire wall’s worth of antique wallpaper to just a few small scraps. Not only do the patterns come from the company’s extensive collection of original historic American, French, and English patterns, but they also offer patterns liscenced from the archives of The Smithsonian Institution, The Colornial Williamsburg Foundation, the New York State Historical Association, and many others. Below, an entry featuring Adelphi’s Parakeets and Pearls (French (Paris) circa 1780).
A bedroom designed by Jayne Design Studio with walls in Ada Harris (American circa 1810-1820). This wallpaper was originally found in this house of its namesake, the legendary antiques dealer from upstate new york.
I love the Ada Harris pattern in the blue and brown colorway as well:
As you can see, Jayne Design Studio is very fond of Adelphi wallpapers, using a custom colored version of the Bellingham Cary Vine (America circa 1860) in this bedroom, below.
Bill Brockshmidt of Brockshmidt & Coleman used Adena Pin Ring (French (Paris) circa 1799) inside a custom desk in his own apartment (photos by the New York Social Diary).
Don’t you love the jewel box effect of this colorful library?
I could spend hours going through Adelphi’s website reading about the history behind each wallpaper they reproduce. Each pattern has such a wonderful story behind it!

From the furniture pieces to the wall treatment to the decorative painted floors, we’re taking you through our creative process in creating a welcoming foyer for a client.
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10 years ago
10 years ago